It’s a breeze for Ben Pease !

Ben Pease making it look easy!

Event number 2 in the Beech House Dental Practice Time Trial League was a repeat of last week’s course, the V212. It’s a 10-miler on the A168 from Arkendale lane end down to Walshford roundabout and back.

The weather was warm, around 18 degrees Celsius with a light wind coming from the west.

29 riders signed on from Harrogate Nova, Moonglu and Harrogate Tri Club - a great turn out.

Last week, it was the youngsters on TT bikes who took 1st and 2nd place, this week Ben Pease (Moonglu) rocked up on a road bike and blitzed the field, producing a time of 21:20 beating Jonny Britton’s new record, to boot. Duncan Mullier (Nova) was 2nd in 21:51 on a TT bike with Grant Whiteside (Nova) 3rd in 22:01, also on a TT bike. Credit also goes to schoolboy Tom Bromiley (Nova) who produced a 25:47 on a road bike.

In the ladies’ class, Joanne Wallace (Moonglu) was 1st in 28:08 on a road bike, with Jean Croft (HTC) 2nd in 30:00 on a road bike with Amanda Gardiner (HTC) 3rd on a TT bike, in 31:36.

Thanks, as always to Margaret and Vaughan Caswell for setting up. Also, a big thank you to the marshals, the number-catchers, and the timekeepers.

Next week’s event is the Roecliffe-Dishforth 10-miler.

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Record Breakers!


James and Joe duel it out!