Roger Wins Again!

Event number 13 in the Beech House Dental Practice Time Trial League was the well-known V212 10-mile course on the A168 from Arkendale lane end down to Walshford roundabout and back. This would be the 2nd time the V212 had been ridden in the 2023 series so riders would have an opportunity to compare their times with those set earlier in the year.

The weather was wet, the temperature 18 degrees Celsius with a moderate wind coming from the south-south-west.

10 riders signed on from Harrogate Nova and Moonglu. With it being a fast and relatively flat course, more riders were on TT bikes.

The first 3 men were separated by 22 seconds: Roger Bromiley (Nova) was 1st in 23:01 on a time trial bike, with Rob Senior (Nova) 2nd in 23:09 on a road bike and Bobbin Gardner (Moonglu) 3rd in 23:23 on a road bike.

Thanks as always to the volunteers on the night who make the events happen: Margaret & Vaughan Caswell, Rob Senior, Walter Busuttil, Warren Considine, Nick Vezey and Rupert Visick.


James Wins Again!


Tom Triumphs!